City of Chicago


Civic Federation Supports City's FY2013 Proposed Budget

On October 31, 2012, the Civic Federation released its analysis of the City of Chicago’s…


City of Chicago FY2013 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City of Chicago’s FY2013 proposed $6.5 billion budget which reduces the City’s reliance on one-time revenue sources while restructuring City government through better managing personnel expenditures.…


Drop in State's PPRT Distributions Mean Less Revenue for City

Last week, the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability published a blog on the State of Illinois’ Personal Property…


Update on Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago

On June 30, 2011 the Civic Federation released Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago. The report offered a comprehensive set of forty recommendations to…


Korshak Settlement Agreement and the Retiree Healthcare Benefits Commission

Since 1988, the City of Chicago and its four pension funds have been party to the settlement of…


Part Two on City of Chicago's Annual Financial Analysis for 2012 -- Pension Liabilities and Long-Term Debt

(Click here to read part one of this two-part look at the City's Annual Financial Analysis.) Last week, the City of Chicago released its…


City of Chicago Releases Annual Financial Analysis for 2012

 This week the City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis for 2012. According to an…


Civic Federation Releases Status of Local Pension Funding: FY2010 Report

This week the Civic Federation released its annual Status of Local Pension Funding report. This report reviews fiscal year 2010 actuarial valuation reports and financial statements of the retirement funds.…


Current Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project comparing the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen large…


Mayor Emanuel Proposes Significant Pension Reform

On Tuesday, May 8, 2012, Mayor Rahm Emanuel offered a plan to reform pensions for employees of the City of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools and Chicago Park District during a hearing of the Illinois House of Representatives Personnel and…