Other Governments


Status of Local Pension Funding 2003: An Evaluation of Nine Local Pension Funds within Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of 9 major local government pension funds from 1998 to 2003. It finds a combined $9.7 billion in unfunded liabilities for the nine funds.


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2005 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposed the Forest Preserve District’s FY2005 Budget because the District has failed to meet minimum standards for disclosure and accountability in its budget process and has implemented a 13.6% property tax increase…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2005 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the MWRD's FY2005 Budget because it levied well below the maximum allowable property tax increase, and because it continues to reduce personnel. The Federation recommended continued restraint in levy…


Chicago Park District FY2005 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2005 Budget because the District levied well below the maximum allowable property tax increase, and because it continued to reduce full-time personnel. The Federation is…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2005 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported increased public funding for the CTA, Metra, and Pace, but opposed the massive service cuts proposed in the CTA's "Gridlock" Budget scenario. The Federation called for fare increases and other measures in…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2005 Program Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposed the City Colleges proposed FY2005 budget because it significantly increased both spending and revenues with little effort to control costs. The budget increased spending by 9% over FY2004, raised tuition by $10…


Forest Preserve District of Cook County's Proposed $100 Million Bond Issue

The Civic Federation was concerned about the lack of transparency of this proposal. It questioned the rationale for approving $100 million in proposed projects without producing a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and before presenting the…


SB 2196: Stormwater Management in Cook County

The Civic Federation supported granting the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) the authority to manage stormwater in Cook County, but opposed exempting the proposed stormwater management property tax levy…


GASB 34 Reporting Guidelines For Government Financial Statements: A Civic Federation Issue Brief

This issue brief provides a "plain English" description of how GASB 34 has increased transparency in government financial reporting. It is illustrated with examples from the City of Chicago's FY2002 CAFR, as well as State of Illinois and…


Regional Transportation Task Force Resolutions

The Civic Federation supported some of the resolutions before the Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Task Force. It urged the Task Force to consider the criteria of sound fiscal policy, improved service, and continued federal…