State of Illinois


Measuring the Impact of a Graduated Income Tax in Illinois

Of the 41 states with broad-based personal income taxes, Illinois is one of eight with a flat tax rate. The…


Governor’s FY2019 Budget Depends on Benefit Cost Shift

Amid concerns about renewed political stalemate in Springfield, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner on February 14, 2018 proposed a budget for the next fiscal year that…


Illinois’ Spending on Late Payment Interest Penalties Climbs after Bond Sale

After two years without a complete budget but with spending exceeding revenues, Illinois’ backlog of unpaid bills rose to…


State of Illinois FY2019 Budget Roadmap

Click here to read the full report. Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation, the Institute for Illinois’…


How Will Illinois Fund Its Infrastructure Needs?

Illinois has grappled with a number of financial challenges over the last decade, including structural deficits, pension underfunding and a two year standoff without a budget. Now, some leaders and advocates have begun to demand renewed…


Civic Federation 2018 Legislative Priorities

2018 Civic Federation Legislative Priorities The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2018 include…


2017 Year in Review on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability Blog

The following are the five most read blog posts presented by the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability in 2017. These posts discuss issues ranging from Medicaid expansion to the end of Illinois’ historic two-year budget impasse and…


Proposed State of Illinois Pension Contributions to Increase by Nearly 7% in FY2019

After stabilizing due to legislative changes, Illinois’ contributions to its severely underfunded retirement…


Illinois’ Debt-Heavy Pension Funds Boosted Slightly by Market Returns

The financial condition of Illinois’ pension funds improved slightly due to strong investment returns, but they remained critically underfunded at the end of fiscal year 2017. The five State-funded retirement systems had total unfunded…


Governor’s Report Shows $1.5 Billion Budget Deficit in FY2018

When the Illinois General Assembly overrode Governor Rauner’s veto of the FY2018 budget package in July, it estimated that the enacted budget would have an operating surplus of about…