Government Budgets


Local Governments Need Transparent Long-Term Financial Planning

The Civic Federation often recommends that local governments undertake long-term financial forecasting and planning, which the Federation believes is one of the single most important financial practices for local governments to undertake.…


State of Illinois Raises Income Taxes But May Not Have Fixed Budget Problems

In the last hours of the 96th Illinois General Assembly, on January 11, 2011, the legislature took significant action on the State’s budget by passing a bill to increase personal income tax rates from 3% to 5% and corporate income tax…


Civic Federation Supports Enactment of Senate Bill 3778

On January 13, 2011, the Civic Federation sent this letter to Governor Quinn urging him to sign Senate Bill 3778. Click here to read a Civic…


UPDATE: Governor Quinn Ends Seniors Ride Free

On February 14 Governor Quinn signed into law Public Act 096-1527 which effectively ended the Seniors Ride Free program instituted by former Governor Rod…


Cook County’s Move from Property to Sales Tax

As part of the Cook County Modernization Report, the Civic Federation examined the County’s revenue and tax structure. Cook County is the only county in Illinois to…


Before you vote…Legislators should look at cutting state spending first

This editorial says the State of Illinois should cut spending before searching for additional sources of revenue. It cites the Civic Federation’s “Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan for the State of…


Quinn, Lawmakers Still Working On Tax Hike

In this news segment about plans to increase the State of Illinois income tax in order to balance its budget, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall says that any tax increase must be part of a long-term fiscal plan.


Illinois faces $13 billion budget deficit

This segment of the “Marketplace” program discusses the effect the State of Illinois budget gap has had on its fiscal outlook. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall says the State has not properly funded its pension system, which could…


IIFS Blog Provides Context and Commentary on State Fiscal Issues

Over the course of 2010 the IIFS blog explored a number of State of Illinois budget topics ranging from Medicaid/HMO funding issues to the State public pension system. Posts on the IIFS blog not only supplement IIFS publications, but also…


Civic Federation Provides Extensive Online Commentary and Analysis

In 2010 the Civic Federation blog provided comprehensive information about government and fiscal issues across Illinois for the public, government officials and media. In a range of posts on topics from the…