Government Budgets


Cost-Cutting Proposals on Tap for MWRD – Part II

Last week the Civic Federation blogged about the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s reaction to its estimated $24 million…


Failed leadership sticks the public with a huge bill

This editorial discusses the $551.3 million in additional borrowing charges that will be paid by State of Illinois taxpayers due to the State’s declining credit ratings.


$551 million. Poof!

This editorial puts into perspective the $551.3 million in extra debt service costs that Illinois taxpayers will pay due to recent downgrades to the State of Illinois’ credit ratings.


Watchdog: Big Bill in Illinois’ Cards

This article explores the effect that recent downgrades to the State of Illinois’ bond ratings will have on the State’s future debt service costs, as detailed in the Civic Federation’s “…


Poor bond rating painful for Ill. Pocketbooks

This news article discusses the Civic Federation’s “Cost of the Crisis” report and the long-…


Open wallet, pay interest

This editorial discusses the finding in the Civic Federation’s “Cost of the Crisis” report that…


State Paid Additional $551 Million for Last Year’s Bonds

  Earlier this week the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation released…


Cost-Cutting Proposals On Tap for MWRD – Part I

  The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District recently announced that it is facing a $24 million budget deficit for FY2011. After hearing a report of the FY2011…


State paying for its low rating

The Civic Federation’s “Cost of the Crisis” report is the focus of this article. The Federation says that because of the State of Illinois’ declining bond ratings, taxpayers may have to pay an additional $551.3 million in extra borrowing…


Lower credit rating costs Illinois extra half-billion in borrowing expenses

In this blog post, Greg Hinz examines the Civic Federation’s “Cost of the Crisis” report that…