Government Budgets


Emanuel cuts new deal to save Laborers Pension Fund

This article reports on the City of Chicago’s recent agreement with the Laborers Pension Fund to save the fund from insolvency through a combination of union concessions and revenue from telephone tax increases. Laurence Msall, President…


State Budget Impasse Continues as New Fiscal Year Approaches

With the current year’s budget still incomplete, the State of Illinois is now facing the prospect of starting another year without a financial plan. Due to a political dispute between Illinois’ Republican Governor and Democratic…


Budget Stalemate nearing 1 year in Springfield: How did we get here?

This segment discusses the State of Illinois’ almost year-long budget impasse and how the expiration of the 2011 temporary income tax hike in 2015 has affected the State’s finances. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall remarks that…


Alternatives to Bankruptcy for School Districts in Fiscal Crisis

The Chicago Public Schools faces a potentially devastating financial crisis. The elements of this crisis include:   An FY2016 budget that was not balanced as it depended on the vague hope that the State of Illinois will provide $…


Failure to pay bills on time has cost Illinois nearly a billion dollars

This segment reports on the State of Illinois paying more than $900 million in penalties for late bill payments in the past six years, which is highlighted in the Civic Federation’s…


Editorial: Pot, meet kettle

This editorial reports on findings included in the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of Governor Rauner’s FY2017 proposed budget and…


State Capital Budget Shortfall Continues to Grow

The State of Illinois can add another complication to its already stressed financial condition, an $800.7 million shortfall in its capital spending plan caused by failure in several of the dedicated revenue sources enacted to fund debt…


Grand Budget Bargain Progress in Springfield

This segment reports on two General Assembly working groups currently meeting in Springfield to negotiate an end to Illinois’ FY2016 budget impasse. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, notes that the State cannot go another…


Civic Federation rips Rauner budget, declares Illinois finances at 'new low'

This article discusses the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of Governor Rauner’s FY2017 proposed budget for the State of Illinois that…


Civic Federation Opposes Governor's Recommended Budget

Urges General Assembly and Governor not to pass or sign any appropriations for FY2017 unless part of a comprehensive plan (CHICAGO) – In a report released today, the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability…