

Civic Federation Supports Cook County Health System’s Plan for Oak Forest Hospital

The Civic Federation sent the following letter to the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board in support of a plan by the Cook County Health and Hospitals System to discontinue acute-care hospital services at Oak Forest…


Cook County Health System Facing Difficult Budget Goal in FY2011

Cook County plans to reduce financial assistance to its Health and Hospitals System by nearly 33% this year, from $411.5 million in FY2010 to $276.3 million in FY2011. The County will face major challenges related to the Health System’s…


Civic Federation Finds Considerable Progress Toward Cook County Modernization

Concerns Remain about Independence of the Health System, Future Budgets (CHICAGO) A new Civic Federation report released today finds that Cook County has made considerable progress toward modernizing its operations, but still faces…


Cook County Modernization 100-Day Accountability Report

The Civic Federation’s Cook County Modernization 100-Day Accountability Report continues the work of our Cook County Modernization Project. This report includes detailed information on the status of all 36 recommendations from the Civic…


State Deficit Expected to Decline in FY2011 Due to Tax Increases and Borrowing

After three years of increasing budget deficits, the State of Illinois is expected to see a smaller budget gap at the end of FY2011 because of tax increases and expanded borrowing for operations. The FY2011 year-end deficit is currently…


100 Days in Cook County

Today marks the 100th day since Toni Preckwinkle took office as President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. During that time, the County has begun to implement a variety of reforms including many of the recommendations from the…


Governor Proposes FY2012 Budget with More Borrowing and Spending

Governor Pat Quinn’s proposed FY2012 budget for the State of Illinois features additional borrowing and an overall increase in spending, despite steep spending reductions in the area of human services. The…


Cook County FY2011 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s $3.0 billion FY2011 Executive Budget Recommendation as it reflects a significant effort to reduce expenditures. The new County administration also appears to be on a path toward significant…


State of Illinois FY2012 Budget Roadmap: An Analysis of Governor Pat Quinn’s Preliminary Budget Plans and Actionable Recommendations for the Governor and the Illinois General Assembly

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition and actionable recommendations…


IIFS Blog Provides Context and Commentary on State Fiscal Issues

Over the course of 2010 the IIFS blog explored a number of State of Illinois budget topics ranging from Medicaid/HMO funding issues to the State public pension system. Posts on the IIFS blog not only supplement IIFS publications, but also…