

Biz agencies applaud Cook Budget

This article discusses the Civic Federation's support for Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle's FY2011 proposed budget, based in part on its moves to reduce the size of its operations. It mentions that the Federation has concerns about…


Do the pension math: Not all public workers can knock off at 50 with generous benefits

This column by Greg Hinz discusses the intricacies of pension benefits in Illinois and cites the Civic Federation’s “…


Governor Proposes FY2012 Budget with More Borrowing and Spending

Governor Pat Quinn’s proposed FY2012 budget for the State of Illinois features additional borrowing and an overall increase in spending, despite steep spending reductions in the area of human services. The…


Civic Federation Supports Leaner Cook County Budget, Operational Reforms

(CHICAGO) The Civic Federation will announce its support for the proposed $3.0 billion FY2011 Cook County budget at a public hearing today. The plan cuts expenditures and employee headcount while committing to a full repeal of the sales…


Cook County FY2011 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s $3.0 billion FY2011 Executive Budget Recommendation as it reflects a significant effort to reduce expenditures. The new County administration also appears to be on a path toward significant…


Illinois’ Financial Future Uncertain After Tax Increase: Civic Federation Urges General Assembly to Reject Expensive $8.75 Billion Borrowing Plan

(CHICAGO) The Civic Federation’s Illinois research institute warns that a large tax increase alone has not fixed the state’s broken budget. The Federation’s new FY2012 Budget Roadmap, released ahead of Governor Quinn’s budget address,…


State of Illinois FY2012 Budget Roadmap: An Analysis of Governor Pat Quinn’s Preliminary Budget Plans and Actionable Recommendations for the Governor and the Illinois General Assembly

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition and actionable recommendations…


Financial Challenges for the New Mayor of Chicago: Analysis and Recommendations

This report identifies the most significant financial challenges facing the City of Chicago and provides recommendations to the new Mayor of Chicago for ways to improve and stabilize the City’s finances in the short- and long-term. Those…


New Chicago Mayor Must Take Immediate Action on Perilous City Finances

The new Mayor of the City of Chicago faces three major fiscal challenges that will require the immediate attention of the new administration, according to a new report released today by the Civic Federation. The daunting difficulties…


New report details scope of public pension deficit

This article discusses findings in the Civic Federation’s “Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2009…