

Civic Federation 2008 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2008 include public pension reform, tax increment financing disclosure, creation of a separate board of commissioners for the Cook County Forest Preserve District, school financial…


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2006: An Evaluation of Ten Local Government Pension Funds in Cook County

This report provides a trend analysis of indicators that measure the financial health and performance of ten major local government pension funds from 1997 to 2006. It finds a combined 18.3 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2008 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the MWRD's FY2008 Budget because it minimizes the burden on taxpayers and demonstrates sound financial planning techniques. The Civic Federation is concerned about the declining funded ratio of the MWRD…


Chicago Park District FY2008 Operating Budget Recommendations: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Chicago Park District's FY2008 Budget because the District did not raise its property tax levy this year, and has continued to hold down operating costs through a combination of careful management…


DuPage County FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports DuPage County's proposed FY2008 $420.4 million budget, which includes a 12.1% or $60.1 million decrease in spending over the previous year and calls for the elimination of 10% of the workforce or 241 full-time…


Chicago Transit Authority FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the CTA's proposed $1.0 billion FY2008 budget because it makes the necessary fare and service changes to create a blanced budget for the coming fiscal year. The Federation calls on the General Assembly and…


City of Chicago FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the City of Chicago's proposed $5.9 billion budget. The budget proposes an additional $266.6 million in new spending and includes a $108.0 million property tax increase, the largest in recent Chicago history.…


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District's proposed $175.2 million budget because the District has issued a Capital Improvement Plan for the second consecutive year and made it available on its web site. The Federation…


Cook County FY2008 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the Cook County FY2008 proposed budget. The $3.2 billion budget includes a 267% increase in the county sales tax, the addition of 1,130 new positions, and other tax hikes that could generate as much as $979.8…


Chicago Public Schools FY2008 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation gives qualified support to the Chicago Public Schools Recommended 5.8 billion dollar FY2008 operating budget. The District has made efforts to contain costs and improve budget transparency. However, the Civic…