

Civic Federation Finds Considerable Progress Toward Cook County Modernization

Concerns Remain about Independence of the Health System, Future Budgets (CHICAGO) A new Civic Federation report released today finds that Cook County has made considerable progress toward modernizing its operations, but still faces…


Cook County Modernization 100-Day Accountability Report

The Civic Federation’s Cook County Modernization 100-Day Accountability Report continues the work of our Cook County Modernization Project. This report includes detailed information on the status of all 36 recommendations from the Civic…


100 Days in Cook County

Today marks the 100th day since Toni Preckwinkle took office as President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners. During that time, the County has begun to implement a variety of reforms including many of the recommendations from the…


Status of Chicago Asset Lease Proceeds

The long-term lease of assets by the City of Chicago is one of the most significant financial undertakings by the City in recent years. These groundbreaking transactions have received national attention and been examined by other…


Group pushes privatization

This article discusses the Civic Federation’s “Financial Challenges for the New Mayor of Chicago” report…


Financial Challenges for the New Mayor of Chicago: Analysis and Recommendations

This report identifies the most significant financial challenges facing the City of Chicago and provides recommendations to the new Mayor of Chicago for ways to improve and stabilize the City’s finances in the short- and long-term. Those…


New Chicago Mayor Must Take Immediate Action on Perilous City Finances

The new Mayor of the City of Chicago faces three major fiscal challenges that will require the immediate attention of the new administration, according to a new report released today by the Civic Federation. The daunting difficulties…


The Chicago Parking Garage Leases

 Although it does not receive as much attention as the Skyway and the metered parking system leases, the downtown public parking system lease was also…


Chicago accepting private bids for lakefront summer fests

In this segment of the Eight Forty-Eight news program, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall discusses how a proposal to privatize City of Chicago lakefront festivals could help fill the City’s budget deficit.


Chicago Park District FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s FY2011 proposed operating budget of $397.6 million. The District is proposing to hold the property tax levy flat and maintain expenditures at close to FY2010 levels by using…