Taxes and Fees


Cook County sales tax to increase by 1 percentage point

This article covers the July 15 vote by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to increase the sales tax by one percentage point beginning in 2016. The Civic Federation…


Cook County Goes First as the Illinois Tax Hikes Begin

This editorial discusses the Cook County sales tax increase narrowly passed by the Cook County Board July 15 that would go into effect in 2016. The Civic Federation…


Emanuel's City Colleges tuition changes will drive up costs for some

This article discusses a shift by City Colleges of Chicago to a flat-rate tuition structure that would take effect as of the fall 2015 semester. It cites the Civic Federation’s…


Tuition increases coming for Chicago's City Colleges

This radio segment reviews the new flat-rate tuition structure being introduced by City Colleges of Chicago ahead of the fall 2015 school year. The Civic Federation said in its…


Civic Federation Supports City Colleges' FY2016 Budget

Proposal Holds Property Tax Levy Flat and Introduces Flat-Rate Tuition Structure In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the City Colleges of Chicago’s proposed FY2016 operating budget of $695.6 million because it…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2016 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City Colleges tentative FY2016 budget totaling $695.6 million because it continues to minimize the financial burden placed on taxpayers by avoiding a property tax increase at a time when other local…


How much could Chicago pension payments jack up your property tax bill? Try 30 percent

This article discusses the potential for Chicago residents to see a significant property tax increase, due to the intensifying financial challenges facing the City of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools. The Civic Federation said new…


Insurance for Olympics won't cover every risk

This article looks at the range of insurance policies being considered as part of Boston’s bid for the 2024 Olympic Games, and whether policies could sufficiently protect taxpayers from covering costs. The…


Could There be a City Income Tax?

This segment explores the idea of a city income tax for Chicago and looks at city income tax rates in other cities. The Civic Federation said the tax could be a disincentive for attracting businesses.


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago

This annual brief provides a compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in place in the City of Chicago as of January 1, 2015. It includes such taxes as the sales tax, amusement tax, lease tax, hotel tax,…