Taxes and Fees


Civic Federation Position Statement on Charitable Property Tax Exemptions for Non-Profit Hospitals

 The Civic Federation supports the continuation of property tax exemptions for non-profit hospitals that qualify as charitable organizations. However, the General Assembly must establish clear, definable standards of eligibility. This…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago

This brief provides an updated compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in effect in the City of Chicago on February 2, 2012. It includes such taxes as the sales tax, gas tax, amusement tax, lease tax,…


Chicago Park District Approves Tax Subsidy to Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture

On February 8, 2012, the Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to provide the Institute of Puerto Rican Arts and Culture (IPRAC) $243,407 in funds from the District’s personal property tax replacement (PPRT)…


Unfunded Public Pension Liabilities per Chicagoan: $14,896

Data from the most recent audited financial statements of Illinois’ state and local government pension funds shows that the total unfunded liabilities for public employee pensions supported by the taxes of Chicago residents reached $14,…


2012 Consumer Tax Changes for Chicago Residents

Chicago residents will experience changes in a number of consumer taxes going into effect throughout 2012 as a result of policy changes at the City and County levels. The new consumer tax rates are presented in the exhibit below. Following…


Civic Federation Blog Provided Local Government Analysis and Recommendations for Fiscal Sustainability in 2011

 In 2011 the Civic Federation blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on government budgets and fiscal issues across Illinois.  Posts in 2011 focused on FY2012 local government budget analysis and the severe…


IIFS Blog Provided Timely Analysis of 2011 State of Illinois Fiscal Developments

In 2011 the IIFS blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on key fiscal issues in the State of Illinois. Posts in 2011 focused on analysis of FY2012 Illinois budget negotiations, analysis of the ongoing Illinois pension…


Local Government Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Analysis Summary

This week marks the end of the Civic Federation's fiscal year 2012 local government budget analysis season. The nine local governments monitored by the Civic Federation include: City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools, DuPage…


Civic Federation Supports FY2012 Chicago Park District Budget

Spending Plan Holds the Line on Property Taxes, Begins to Reduce Structural Deficit The Civic Federation supports the proposed FY2012 Chicago Park District budget of $407.5 million because it freezes the property tax levy for the seventh…


Chicago Park District FY2012 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District FY2012 Budget of $407.5 million because it holds the property tax levy flat for the seventh year in a row and emphasizes cost containment and revenue diversification. The Federation…