Taxes and Fees


CTA Service Cuts Looming, But Are they Enough to Balance the Budget?

On February 7 the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) will implement layoffs and service reductions intended to reduce its FY2010…


Recent Changes Made to Chicago Sales Tax, Amusement Tax and Alcohol Tax

Click here to read the Civic Federation’s February 2014 updated list of selected consumer taxes in the City of Chicago. In December of 2009, the Civic…


Civic Federation Blog Provides Rapid Response Analysis

The redesign of the Civic Federation website in July has provided the public, government officials, and the media better access to the Federation’s analyses of government services in Illinois. The regularly-updated Civic Federation blog…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago: December 2009

This brief provides an updated compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in effect in the City of Chicago on December 1, 2009.  It includes such taxes as the sales tax, gas tax, amusement tax, lease tax…


Civic Federation 2010 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2010 include public pension reform, requiring state government to develop and implement performance measurement and a capital improvement plan, the dissolving of the Illinois International…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2010 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s FY2010 Tentative Budget of nearly $1.7 billion as a prudent response to revenue shortfalls. The MWRD plans to prioritize spending, control personnel costs, and…


Chicago Park District FY2010 Operating Budget Recommendations: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation offers qualified support for the FY2010 Chicago Park District’s proposed operating budget of $391.9 million. The District is proposing a responsible budget that reduces expenditures and holds the property tax levy…


Civic Federation Supports Cook County Sales Tax Rollback

 The Civic Federation commends the Cook County Board for voting 12-5 to roll back half of last year’s one percentage point sales tax hike and for overriding President Todd Stroger’s veto. The Federation considers this a victory for…


Cook County commissioners vote to cut in half Stroger sales tax increase

This article describes the politics surrounding a vote by the Cook County Board of Commissioners to reduce the county sales tax by a half-cent. It cites the Civic Federation’s analysis of the County’s proposed FY2009 budget.


City of Chicago FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the FY2010 City of Chicago budget of $6.14 billion because it is unsustainable and relies too heavily on one-time reserve funds to close a $520.0 million budget deficit. The proposed drastic draw down of long-…