

State of Illinois FY2016 Budget Roadmap

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation, the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition and proposes a comprehensive…


Comparing Investment Return Assumptions of Illinois Pension Funds to National Trends

At the end of December, the Illinois Auditor General released the State Actuary’s annual report on the…


Change in Public Pension Plan Investment Return Assumptions 2001-2013

The Civic Federation and IIFS blogs have written extensively about reductions to assumed rates of return on investment by State and some local public pension plans over the last several years. These changes are part of a nationwide…


Governor's Budget Projection Shows Consequences of Income Tax Rate Decline

A drop in Illinois’ income tax rates—and uncertainty about the implementation of pension changes—could cause the State’s backlog of unpaid bills to grow to $9.9 billion by the end of the 2016 budget year, according to a new forecast by…


2014 Year in Review on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability Blog

The following posts were among the most highly read on the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability’s blog in 2014 and represent the most closely followed Illinois fiscal issues of the year: State pension reform and the State budget…


Unions may win hollow victory with pension suit

This editorial discusses a lawsuit filed Tuesday against changes to the City of Chicago’s Municipal and Labor pension funds that are scheduled to go into effect January 1. It cites the Civic Federation’s most recent…


New Report Sheds Light on Illinois Pension Problems

For anyone who wants to understand the pension crisis facing the State of Illinois, a recent report for the State’s largest pension fund would be a good place to start. The…


Illinois Bond Slump Seen After Pension Plug Falters: Muni Credit

This article examines the possible bond sale and credit rating implications of a November 21 ruling in Sangamon County Circuit Court…


Illinois Attorney General Seeks Expedited Appeal of Pension Reform Case

Shortly after a Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge ruled that the pension reform law passed in Illinois almost a year ago violated the State constitution, Attorney General Lisa Madigan…


Chicago City Council passes Emanuel's $7.3 billion budget

This article follows the passage of Chicago’s FY2015 budget by a 46-4 City Council vote. The Civic Federation supported the budget in its November 3 analysis…