

City Releases Annual Financial Analysis for 2014: Budget Projections Do Not Include Increase in Police and Fire Pension Fund Payments

This week the City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis for 2014. According to an…


Emanuel’s 2015 budget puts off pension crisis for now

This article discuses an upcoming $550 million contribution to the City of Chicago’s police and fire pension funds. The City’s…


Chicago’s day of reckoning over pensions delayed

This article discusses the City of Chicago’s 2014 Annual Financial Analysis released July 31, which reviews…


Teachers’ Retirement System Changes Will Affect Pension Savings

UPDATE: In addition to the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), two other large State of Illinois pension funds have also lowered their assumed rates of return on investment. Both the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and the…


Phone tax won’t keep $20B pension bill on hold for long

This article discusses the relationship between property taxes, politics and Chicago’s drastic unfunded pension liabilities. Governor Quinn vowed to veto an early version of a pension reform bill for two of Chicago’s pension funds that…


Gov. Quinn Signs Chicago Pension Bill

This article covers the pension reform bill for two Chicago pension funds that Governor Quinn signed into law on the June 9 deadline. It was unclear until his signature whether the Governor would support the bill passed by the Illinois…


Op-ed: Gov. Quinn, sign Chicago's pension bill

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by the


Chicago Area Governments Prohibited from Improving Pension Funding Without State Intervention

State statute governs all benefits and funding of public pensions for the City of Chicago. The City cannot contribute more to its pensions than the multiple of employee contributions allowed under state statute. There has unfortunately…


Civic Federation Supports House Bill 1154, as Amended in Senate

On May 28, 2014, The Civic Federation sent this letter to Representitive Elaine Nekritz and the members of the House Personnel and Pensions Committee in advance of a 4 p.m. hearing on…


Property tax a ticking time bomb

This op-ed by Reboot Illinois Chief Operating Officer Madeleine Doubek warns that the potential property tax increase associated with reforms for two…