

Health System's Medicaid Expansion Plan Central to Cook County FY2014 Budget

In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2014 operating budget of $3.2 billion, which holds the property tax levy relatively flat by reducing expenditures and aggressively pursuing new revenue for…


Cook County FY2014 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2014 operating budget of $3.2 billion for holding the property tax levy relatively flat, reducing expenditures and aggressively pursuing new revenue for the Cook County Health and…


Report: Illinois Missed Opportunity in Fiscal 2014 Budget

(The full content of this article is only available to the publication’s subscribers.) This article covers the release of the Civic Federation’s FY2014 State of Illinois Enacted Budget Analysis on October 2. The report found the State made…


Editorial: Illinois to face even more financial realities

This editorial discusses the Civic Federation’s FY2014 State of Illinois Enacted Budget Analysis and the State’s lack of progress on passing pension reforms. The analysis says this year’s…


Analysis-Pension reform in Illinois? Not so fast

This article discusses recent developments from the seven-member legislative conference committee appointed by Governor Quinn to find a solution to the State’s…


Local Government Pension Funds Lower their Expected Investment Rates of Return for FY2012

Four large local government pension funds in the Chicago area reduced their expected investment rates of return for fiscal year 2012. While intended to make the funds’ actuarial assumptions more realistic, these decisions will also have…


Watchdog group: Ill. Budget a ‘lost opportunity’

This segment covers the release of the FY2014 Enacted Budget Analysis by the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability on October 2. The report warns this year’s…


Emanuel pension plan drawing fire from all sides

This article discusses legislation backed by Mayor Emanuel that would delay funding reforms for the City’s severely underfunded police and fire funds. For…


Putting off pension deadline 'not an option,' budget watcher warns city

This article discusses a proposal for the City of Chicago’s severely underfunded police and fire pension funds that would delay the date when the City is…


Local Government Budgets: What to Watch for in 2014

Over the next few weeks, many Chicago-area local governments will be releasing their proposed budgets for fiscal year 2014. In preparation for the upcoming budget releases, this blog will recap the Civic Federation’s significant…