

Absent pension reform, city faces $1 billion hole

This article covers the July 31 release of the City of Chicago’s annual financial analysis, which projects a $1 billion deficit in 2015 if the City’s pension funds aren’t stabilized by major reforms. The Civic Federation said it would be…


General Assembly Panel Seeks Compromise on Pension Reform

Charged with finding a solution to the State of Illinois’ pension crisis, a legislative conference committee is considering a reform framework proposed by public university presidents. The central feature of the…


Study Concludes State Pension Crisis No Threat to Bondholders

 Amidst a flurry of reports on the State of Illinois’ inability to solve its ongoing pension crisis and…


Pension Reform: The Cost of Inaction

On this segment, Civic Federation President Laurence Msall joined a panel discussion on the Illinois General Assembly’s failure to enact comprehensive pension reform before adjourning its spring session May 31. The Civic Federation…


Illinois’ Bond Ratings Cut After General Assembly Adjourns Without Pension Reform

Less than a week after the Illinois General Assembly adjourned its regular spring session without approving reform of the State’s underfunded retirement systems, two of the three major rating agencies have downgraded the State’s bond…


Chicago Public Schools new pension headache

This article discusses the impending expiration of the ‘pension holiday’ granted to Chicago Public Schools by the Illinois General Assembly and the resulting $400 million increase in the District’s required pension contribution for FY2014…


State Credit Rating Downgraded Again

Following the General Assembly’s failure to enact comprehensive pension reform before adjourning its spring session on May 31, Illinois’ credit rating was downgraded again by Fitch Rating to A- with a negative outlook from A. The Civic…


New Reports Show Financial Impact of Proposed State Pension Changes

As the Illinois General Assembly approached its scheduled adjournment date of May 31, 2013, the State’s pension systems produced new reports estimating the financial impact of proposed pension legislation. The reports by the retirement…


Chicago-area pension funding gap jumps to $32 billion: report

The Civic Federation’s Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2011 report released May 21 found an aggregate unfunded liability of $32 billion in the ten…


City Hall’s pension spiral worsens

This article covers the Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2011 report released by the Civic Federation May 21. The annual report examining ten…