

SEC Charges Illinois With Fraud Over Pensions

This segment covers the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s charge against Illinois for allegedly misleading investors between 2005 and 2009 about the level of underfunding of its pension systems. The Civic Federation said the…


Illinois Settles SEC Claims It Misled Public on Pensions

This article discusses the State of Illinois’ settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over charges that it misled investors between 2005 and 2009 about the degree of underfunding in its employee pension funds. The…


New Pension Reform Proposal Garners Bipartisan Support

A bipartisan group of Illinois lawmakers has signed onto a new pension reform proposal designed to reduce the State’s massive pension costs.…


Chicagoans' Long-Term Debt and Pension Obligations Per Capita Rose 185% Since 2002

This blog examines some of the long-term obligations of the City of Chicago and its overlapping local governments using a per capita indicator based on bonded debt and unfunded pension liabilities. Rating agencies and other financial…


Illinois’ backlog of bills to nearly triple in five years: Civic Federation

This article covers the Civic Federation’s FY2014 State of Illinois Roadmap, which projects that Illinois’ pension costs would consume nearly one-third of State-…


New report shows Illinois’ finances could go from bad to worse

This article covers the Civic Federation’s FY2014 State of Illinois Roadmap, released February 25. The report projects a $22 billion backlog of unpaid bills by…


Illinois' Unpaid Bill Backlog Projected to Reach $22 Billion by FY2018

State urgently needs long-term plan to address rising pension and Medicaid costs, loss of income tax revenues (CHICAGO) – An analysis released today by the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability shows the State…


State of Illinois FY2014 Budget Roadmap

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation, the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition. The FY2014 Roadmap includes a…


New IL plan has local taxpayers picking up state-pension tab

This article discusses pension reform legislation introduced by State Representative Lou Lang. The…


Emanuel Reaches Deal With Police Union to Fix Pensions

This article discusses a contract agreement reached between the City of Chicago and the Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association. The agreement increases employee pension contributions and the retirement age while reducing automatic annual…