

Governor of Illinois Tells Legislators Pension Costs Put State at ‘Critical Juncture’

This article discusses Illinois Governor Pat Quinn’s February 6 State of the State address where he repeated his call for legislators to make pension reform an immediate priority. The Civic Federation said the State’s pension crisis…


Illinois lawmakers fall into pensions gap

(The full content of this article is only avalible to the publication's subscribers.) This article discusses the Illinois legislature’s inaction on the State’s $96 billion unfunded pension liability and examines the health of pension funds…


Pension Crisis Looms over new Illinois General Assembly

This article covers the inauguration of the Illinois 98th General Assembly and the ongoing challenges they face, including the State’s critical unfunded pension liability. The Civic Federation said the State’s pension costs continue to…


Unfinished Business Looms at the Close of the 97th General Assembly

The 97th Illinois General Assembly’s closing session ended on January 9, 2013, leaving many questions unresolved about the State’s current budget year and fiscal sustainability in the face of its…


Illinois Claws At Mountain Of Unfunded Pension Liability

This Weekend Edition report covers Illinois’ $96 billion pension funding shortfall and efforts in the Illinois General Assembly to pass reforms


Civic Groups Up Pressure on Illinois Lawmakers on Pensions

(The full content of this article is only available to the publication’s subscribers.) This article discusses a joint statement from several Chicago civic groups…


Civic leaders plead for action on state pension reform

This blog discusses support from Chicago civic groups for the bipartisan pension reform framework outlined in…


Civic leaders urge Springfield: Don’t forget about pensions

At a press conference January 3, several Chicago civic groups including the Civic Federation urged Illinois legislators to act on pension reform in the final…


Analysis of Pension Reform Proposal Shows Significant State Savings

A pension reform proposal introduced in the Illinois General Assembly late last year could immediately reduce the State’s required annual contributions by nearly $2 billion, according to recent actuarial reports. As discussed…


Nonprofits Urge State Lawmakers to Pass Crucial Pension Reform

Civic Federation, Metropolitan Planning Council, Better Government Assn., Chicago Urban League Seek Immediate Action CHICAGO—A group of civic organizations dedicated to improving government and making it more responsive to the public is…